Name Korcula, or like they called Korkyra Melaina comes from the Greek name “Κόρκυρα Μέλαινα” Latin “Corcyra Nigra” the Old German “Kurz”, the Italian “Curzola”, but actually should mean Black Korkyra, that name comes from the fact that a large area of coastline covered with pine (lat. Pinus nigra)
KORČULA ISLAND – basic Informations
- An integral part of Croatia, Dubrovnik-Neretva County
- Area: 279.03 km2, length 46.8 km, width 7.8 km
- Population (2001): 16 182
- Major places: Town Korcula, Blato, Smokvica, Lumbarda, Zrnovo, Cara, Račišće, Pupnat
CITY OF KORČULA – basic informations
- Coordinates: 42 ° 58’N 17 ° 08 ‘E
- town district of Korcula: Korcula, Zrnovo, Pupnat, Cara, Račišće
- population: City of Korcula (2001): 5889, town of Korcula (2001): 3126
- Day of the town of Korcula: July 29 – the patron of St. Todor
- ZIP code: 20260
History – Important centurys and years
- 8th century – Neretvians settled Korcula
- 9th century – the first mention of the town of Korcula in the writings
- 1214.y. – The statute of the town and island of Korcula
- 1254.y. – The birth of Marco Polo in Korcula
- 1298.y. – Naval battle of Venice and Genoa in front of the coast of the town of Korcula
- 1300.y. – The establishment of the Korcula Diocese
- 1301.y. – The establishment of the Confraternity of All Saints
- 1483.y. – The defense of Korcula from the King of Naples
- 1529.y. – Black Death
- 1571.y. – The defense of Korcula from the Turks
- 15.-16.century. – Construction of the Cathedral of St.. Brand
- 1806.y-1807.y – attacks of the Russian fleet
- Town Museum of Korcula
- Abbot’s treasury
- Icon collection
- The exhibition of Marco Polo
- Birthplace (tower) of Marco Polo
- Cathedral of St. Mark
- The Sea Gate
- Land Gate – tower of Big Revelin
- Arsenal Korcula
- All Saints Church
- Kula Fortezza
- Head of St. Anthony
Attractions and events
- Moreska
- Moštra
- Easter – special program
- April – Korcula Marco Polo Challenge triathlon
- 30 June – half New year
- 29 July – St. Todor, the day the town of Korcula
- September – Korkyra Baroque Festival